Testimonials from Our Valued Clients

Elizabeth Salada, MD

Internal Medicine

Gary Boone, MD

Family Medicine

Sharna Shachar, MD

Internal Medicine

Kevin Malone, MD

Family Medicine

Collin Teguh, DO

Family Medicine

Georges Argoud, MD

Endocrinology and Internal Medicine

Independent Practices We Have Helped

Achieve operational efficiency with innovative solutions.

Let’s discuss how we can help you advance your practice.

Elizabeth Salada, MD – Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

“Working with Metis Practice Solutions has been able to help me breathe, because I know at the end of the day that if there’s anything I need I can recruit someone to help me, then it’s one less thing to think about in my busy practice, so it has really enabled me to stay focused on patient care which is really what I’m in the business for – to take care of patients.

If it weren’t for Metis Practice Solutions in my world, and I didn’t have the resources for Metis, I’m not sure I’d be able to stay in practice because it’s been such a pivotal portion of my daily life and what I’ve needed to have peace in my world. I know my employees and I are appreciative of what Metis Practice Solutions has brought to us. If it weren’t for them, I’m not sure I’d be capable of enduring the changing climate of health care.”

Gary Boone, MD – Family Medicine

Family Medicine

“I’ve been with Metis Practice Solutions for over a year. I’ve seen a very professional group of people who work well with my staff. Things were handled smoothly. My reimbursement has increased. And Metis has been impressive enough that I’ve expanded the services that they provide and now I’m using them for employee leasing and some ancillary things that they offer.

I can say that my experience has been remarkably good, and I would recommend to my colleagues that they give Metis Practice Solutions a look.”

Sharna Shachar, MD – Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

“If I didn’t have Metis Practice Solutions, I know I would have a lot more denials. I would have a lot less revenue, and I would have a lot more irate patients who did not understand their bills or what they were being billed for, because all those things happened with the prior service that I had. So, I know that since I changed to Metis Practice Solutions, everything has improved, and my services are much, much better.

I would highly recommend Metis billing services to other people; in fact, I already have, and it’s been great service for me and I’m very happy that I’ve been working with them for the last four years.”

Kevin Malone, MD

Family Medicine

“I discovered that my previous biller wasn’t doing a very good job. And about the same time that happened, SCMG announced they were developing a new practice management company. I jumped right on it – I think I was one of the first and immediately, I noticed an improvement in collections and money in the bank. I was very impressed.

It’s been very smooth working with Metis Practice Solutions. They give me excellent reports every month. I would highly recommend them to other providers.”

Collin Teguh, DO

Family Medicine

We didn’t have enough staff and it was overwhelming for me. I needed to do something. I heard about Metis Practice Solutions through the SCMG Office Manager meetings. I was hesitant at first because it was new for us. We always did in-house billing, but we decided to give it a try and we’re very happy.

We’re no longer behind! We were behind on billing for at least 3 months, and now using Metis billing services, we’re up-to-date with all the billing, invoicing patients, and we now see all the reports, so we see where all the money’s coming from.

The ease of implementing Metis billing services was a smooth transition. It was very, very easy.”

Georges Argoud, MD

Endocrinology and Internal Medicine

“If it weren’t for Metis Practice Solutions, I’d be struggling with credentialing, and I wouldn’t have a better focus on what improvements can be made in my practice. In addition, there was a practice evaluation that was performed, which was extremely helpful. It has been very easy to implement their services.

The changes that I have seen include a much easier experience with credentialing with the nurse practitioner that recently joined our practice. I’ve also had resolution of some very tough payroll tax issues as a result of working with Metis Practice Solutions.”