Practice Management

Project-Based and Full Onsite Services

We offer project-based practice support services all the way to full onsite practice management.

Revenue Cycle Management

Billing and Coding Support

Unlike most revenue cycle support offerings, Metis’ solution includes both billing and coding support to help ensure optimal revenue generation. 

The service also includes:

Support Services

Project-Based Services

Achieve operational efficiency with innovative solutions.

Let’s discuss how we can help you advance your practice.

Leased Employees

When a business is in need of an ongoing service, but the dedicated time required for that service does not justify hiring a full-time employee, a leased employee can provide an affordable option. Metis can place a leased employee (or fractional professional) in the practice for a certain number of hours per week or days per month.


Metis works with practices to create recruitment strategies to attract qualified candidates, then screens candidates to ensure an appropriate match for the skills or expertise required.

Human Resources

Employee handbooks, policy development and maintenance, compliance guidance, investigations, salary reviews, hiring/onboarding, termination support.

Financial Services

Assist with budgeting; vendor contract review; renegotiations; assessment of current financials; full scope of financial reporting including general ledger, accounts payable, payroll, and bank reconciliation.

Payer Contracts

Payment rates; contract performance; product lines; payer operations, and review of contractual obligations.


Review and verification of credentials; process re-credentialing paperwork, and maintain a database to document training, education, licensing, and experience.

MIPS Reporting

The Merit-based Incentive Payments System (MIPS) is one way to participate in Medicare’s Quality Payment Program (QPP). Under MIPS, you earn a payment adjustment for Medicare Part B – covered professional services.  Metis can review reports and workflows in order to meet the requirements and complete attestation.

This service is FREE to Sharp Community Medical Group practices.

Compliance Training

Provides required annual compliance training for your staff to ensure you company is conducting its business in accordance with the highest levels of professional and business ethics, and in full compliance with all laws, regulations, and guidelines applicable to federal and state health care programs.

Billing & Coding

For Claims: Review of source documents, CPT/HCPCS, ICD-10 coding, complete CMS-1500 form. For Chart Audits: Perform a review of your coding, billing and documentation procedures, and benchmarking to CMS and national guidelines.